I believe the Magic lives in everyone, I believe that everyone needs to know about it, I believe that everyone needs to rediscover it, I believe that the knowledge needed for this should be made available to everyone's for free, without consideration.
The story is a gift from this Magic, the New Moon, the beautiful landscape of Scotland and my children.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, thank you Erick, I LOVE you

There are several roles we play in our lives ...
Perhaps my role most connected to fairy tales is the role of the mother.
Two wonderful children entrusted me, and of course my husband himself. Now they are starting to really explore, to understand the world. I wrote the tales to them, especially my daughter eagerly awaiting the new chapters.
It is an accepted fact that childhood is dominant in everyone’s lives. Adult problems, aggression, illnesses are all rooted somewhere in childhood. You don’t just have to think about parenting. A teacher, a relative, a classmate, but even a fairy tale is a defining experience.
And as an adult, you either do something or you don't ....
What if they were given the recipe for magic as a child to grow up as a happier, more balanced, confident, self-aware, respectful, accepting and loving person. What if they weren't 20-30-40 ... they would have to research what the problem was? What if by adulthood they knew the basic truths, working techniques from the tales, knew themselves, knew that they controlled their lives, and that we were born to walk our own way to experience happiness on Earth.
What if this reduced the number of diseases, crime, the number of people in need of rehabilitation ...?
I think it sounds good, let's give it a try!
Our children are the future. They are the seeds. Let them grow into wonderful flowers that bathe in the light of the Sun, drink the water of Rain, are caressed by the Wind, and feed on their roots from the Earth. And at night, he looks up at the starry sky and knows everything is fine.
They also like to speak to those who are skeptical about the many “spiritual hocus pocus”. Today, the operation and effect of these hocus pocus have been confirmed by several scientific studies. At this moment, I am reminded of an author I have read from, Dr. Joe Dispenza, I heartily recommend it for reading
With love

Thank YOU!
I am thankful so many people I have met during my trip. My Dad,my Mom, my Sister, my Husband, My Children, Péter Fabian., Gábor Marton., Péter N. Dekany, Dóri Vagvolgyi, the family cons. team, Peter Szalai, Kriszta Nagy, Sophie Smidt, Caroline Foster, Joe, Eckhart Tolle, László Kesmarki, Joe Dispensa, Nicola Tesla, Dr. Ervin Batkay, Peggy Phoenix Dubro, Bernadett Barczi,David Robey, Csaba Zoltan Kodmon, Bela Balogh, Lekszikov Attila, Anna Zentai, Aniko Burger, Viktoria Guzsics-Mohacsi, Melinda Cser, Andrea Danyi....
Thank you, and thank you to those who made it possible, created, controlled.
I am grateful for it

This chapter is more for my older readers.
Why did I write a page full of names and gratitude?
Have you ever observed how many times a thank you leaves our mouths one day? Mar automatically repeats it without emotion because it has been taught to be polite.
Now recall an occasion when something happened or they got something that made them so happy that they even put tears in their eyes and couldn’t find words to describe how thankful they were, how grateful they were.
That’s the real thank you, gratitude when we add feeling. And when that feeling floods us, we “shine, fly, vibrate high” for that little time (the high vibration has magical power) Everyone can experience that feeling spontaneously when they get some coveted gift, pass a difficult exam, or a plan is realized.
It is usually evoked by a sense of joy and happiness. Why don’t we bring up this feeling more than once, every day, every minute?
Oh ... yes we don't get birthday presents every day ...? Then maybe you should look better ..
But let's start with a simpler thing. Let's recall the birthday present, the moment when we received, unfolded, swallowed, amazed, resented him, we felt happiness and fish .... Let's feel the moment again and again, morning, evening, in line at night, anywhere, at any time.
Now go for a bit difficul. Nature squeezes the miraculous things. Sunlight, stars, flowers, the chirping of a bird, the sound of rain, the smile of our child .... I can't list them all ... the huge old oak in front of our window, but a simple sandwich and a glass of water are also wonderful.
(if we think that he who has not eaten a day, may not have drunk a day ...) Take note of these, marvel at them as the waiting of the wait, and feel how beautiful and en I can see, feel, taste, eat .
It also includes the fact that we are basically born of happiness and the source is available to everyone and is inexhaustible, energy. We know energy doesn’t just take off.
Here's another counterattack. Many suffer, in many ways. My answer to this is the tale of the The Little Soul and The Sun, A Children's Parable
by Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations With God( I recommend everyone to read it. This is the fund. Then you can dissect the family karma, your own karma ...
And here comes the next theme, Acceptance, Selfishness ... How can we use this ever-flowing energy that if our door is not open? If we locked me for seven padlocks? Or if we built a huge wall and behind that there are still the full bags (of fear, pain, anger ...) that we got, inherited, or we made. This is another chapter…

I would like that as many people as possible to rediscover, find the magic.
That is why I am grateful for all the help.
If you want to support, help my work, achive my goal you can do it in many ways.
You share the page, read the story, tell your children, read it on a pizza party, or to the class where you are teacher, give it as a gift next to a birthday postcard or support it with a donation. With the donation, you support the creator, the distribution, and help to create and operate “centers” that make magic available to everyone.
THANK YOU for your support!
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